As we move into our summer months, we find that the bond we've formed as kindred Elginites these past months has become pretty strong. That said, it's difficult to be away from each other for long periods of time, especially when we know that there are some end-of-service dates looming not too far off. Because we're hip, modern young adults, we've improvised. Texting can be a beautiful thing. Here are some samples of how we've kept in touch with each other these past few weeks.

Hey, Laura! Check out what I put in my YAC evaluation form! B-)
Kristen sent this one to me earlier today. From outside the house. While I was inside. Y'know, because yeah. But let's focus... Our peas are blooming! There was a lot of squealing. (Yes, it was from me.)
Kristen saw this while walking home (her choice - we didn't abandon her) one day. She thought it was funny. I agreed.
Hannah loves bounce houses. We seem to spot them all over our neighborhood when we're out walking or running. She was traveling to New Orleans for her second workcamp today so she's not in Elgin. Those of us here, though, could see a bounce house from our kitchen window. Hannah was super jealous.
So I sent her another one I encountered elsewhere in the neighborhood. More jealousy ensued.
This came from Hannah and Jessie at their workcamp this past week down in Georgia. They'd been working on and around farms all week and sent Kristen and me a picture of the scenery to let us know the farming reminded them of us. (Kristen's response: "That's what that was? I was wondering why they sent me a picture of a road!")
When Laura was gone for more than a week, this was the picture I sent her to let her know how excited we were to have her coming back. :-D
In the midst of all this, one of us (whose name rhymes with "Zeresa") had a birthday!
She was in the Dominican Republic for her first workcamp of the summer, so we couldn't celebrate with her on her actual birthday (have no fear - a cake has been made since then [and mostly consumed]). Tessa loves blueberries or, as she calls them, "bluebs," so I sent her a pic of the ones we had in our lunch bag on her day.
It only seemed appropriate to show her that they didn't go to waste and that we enjoyed them, too.
As I think about past housemates that have already moved away, I am beginning to have a new appreciation for these texts. While a good old-fashioned hand-written letter is always nice, sometimes it's just as nice to get the quick picture that let's you know that someone saw something that reminded them of you. Maybe it's kinda insignificant, but it helps to reaffirm our value as a community that has coexisted, struggled together, and moved on to the next steps in life. I certainly hope there will be plenty more texts to come (and send).
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